“Charlie” has nothing on Greenfield as three “City Angels” stepped in to turn wishes into reality after a recent social media post triggered the desire to meet the needs of Greenfield students.
City clerk Jerica Spikes saw a post regarding community supporters of Dyer School who had committed to providing all the necessary academic supplies for their students to start the new year. When replies to the post generated several “I wish we could do that” comments, Spikes turned words into action.
After gaining permissions and support from those whom would soon become her “cohorts in care,” City Recorder Callie Smithson and Mayor Cindy McAdams, Spikes approached Jamie Doster, assistant principal at Greenfield School. Within two days, the team of three had gained the ok to proceed, the lists of items, and the numbers of students per class.
Within in a few hours, that small group of advocates had commitments for all the needs to be met.
“Most school years, there are groups that have bought for children in need,” Spikes explained. “But this effort is covering everyone. Some families may not struggle as much, but they may still need the help and just won’t ask.”
On the morning of July 3, Spikes, Smithson, and McAdams reached out to community leaders and churches to introduce the idea which was met with immediate affirmation. By that afternoon the City of Greenfield, Greenfield Banking Company and the city’s Church of Christ and First Presbyterian had all committed to “adopting” a grade. First Baptist Church volunteered to take on two grades. Bethel Baptist and United Methodist are donating for any additional needs.
A total of 210 students will receive pencils, paper, colors, markers, notebooks, highlighters and other items usually left to parents to purchase.
“We appreciate the city jumping in,” noted Spikes, echoing the post on Greenfield’s “The Hive” page which announced the campaign and notified parents that this year, their supplies lists were covered.
The plan is that by July 31 all supplies will be delivered to City Hall. Spikes, Smithson and McAdams will once again be in “go mode” as they package the materials for delivery to the school on August 1.
“And on August 5th when kids enter their classrooms, their supplies will be waiting on them,” Spikes added, again with a tone of gratitude. And though grateful, like any good “angel,” she’s looking ahead.
“Our plan is for next school year to cover K-8, start earlier, and get even more people involved,” she concluded.
Anyone wishing to add to this year’s contributions may call Spikes at City Hall, 731-235-2330.