Badges in Effect & Other Updates from Cafeterias

Updates on ID Badges and More from School Nutrition Staff
Posted on 09/17/2019
This is the image for the news article titled Updates on ID Badges and More from School Nutrition StaffSwiping ID badges in lieu of keying in each child’s individual code isn’t the only new thing coming to Weakley County school cafeterias. At an administrators’ meeting on Friday, Trista Snider, School Nutrition director, outlined several new additions and worked to address questions that have arisen since rolling out the badge system. Badges will be required Tuesday (today) for all meals served in the cafeterias.

Snider explained that the switch to badges came as the result of inconsistencies with maintaining class rosters, resulting in the loss of reimbursements for students who aren’t correctly marked. Also, the State Administrative Review declared that Breakfast in the Hallway numbers had to be claimed at the point of service and not on rosters in the classroom.

One of the questions that’s been mentioned on social media is what happens when a child forgets the badge.
“Our cafeteria staffs are ready to key in the codes when necessary,” said Snider. “We know this is new to everyone and with any new process, we may have a few stumbles. But we are committed to working through any issue and ensuring that our students receive their meals.”

As administrators considered the best way to provide for the varying ages of students, all agreed that pre-K students will not be using the badges. The old system will remain intact for them.

Should problems arise with badges that will not scan, barcodes can be printed on labels and attached to the back of the badges. Printed barcode labels can also be used for new students and attached to temporary badges which each school will have in small supplies until new personalized badges can be created.

Among other items discussed at the administration meeting was the use of leftovers to help with children or youth who may be experiencing hunger.

Snider explained that if a child comes in who is hungry and was not present for breakfast service, then the child would be offered a full reimbursable meal with the meal credited to that student. If the child has already had a reimbursable meal but is still hungry and leftovers that cannot be reused are available, she said, items (not entire meals) could be provided.

If the child is able to purchase items, they would be charged a la carte pricing.

Snider also agreed that if breakfast items cannot be reused at another meal service and all needs have been met for the breakfast service, then schools could then put leftover items out as a free item at lunch.

Upcoming dates to remember
Cafeteria Managers will set up a display for Parent Teacher Conference on September 19 in a commons area at each school to show sample meals. They will be present from 3:30 -6:00 p.m. to answer questions that parents may have and to assist in completion of Meal Apps.

On October 1, the Local Food Network and Weakley County Schools will host the Farm-to-School Dinner Forum at Dresden High School. A tour of the Weakley County Farm on the Dresden campus will begin at 4:30 p.m. Registration 5:00 p.m. and the program and meal is scheduled for 5:30-7:30 p.m. The free meal will feature sausage from the newly-formed collaboration with the farm. Pre-registration is required by September 27. RSVP online at, email [email protected] or phone at (731) 281-4770.

October 21–25, Weakley schools will observe National School Lunch Week.

About the photo
Mindy Thomas' 7th grade home room class shows off their new ID badgesDresden Middle School received their ID badges last Thursday. Mindy Thomas’ 7th grade class grabbed a group photo to show off the newest in school attire (front row, left to right) Harley Kiser-Bush, Allie Spaulding, Anabelle Spence, Caleb Workman, Cason Allen; (middle row) Rick Wiley, Haven Medley, Avery Cogburn, Ellie Bush, Emma Harrison, Ty Bizzle; (back row) Taylor Spry, Seth McCrary, Ana Markham, Skylar Inman, Erica Henderson, Braden Hamilton, Aiden Lawrence, Britney Bell and Tanner Oliver.
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