Dresden High School’s FFA was awarded the state trophy for raising the most funds and securing the most venison donations to help feed hungry families at a presentation this week. Matt Simcox, the manager for Tennessee Wildlife Federation’s Hunters for the Hungry program which promotes the Hunger Challenge, and Bobby Goode, a member of the Tennessee Wildlife Federation board of directors, made the presentation.
The Hunger Challenge is a point-based competition among high school clubs that supports Tennessee Wildlife Federation’s Hunters for the Hungry program.
“Involvement in the Hunger Challenge teaches students the importance of wildlife management and what it means to be a good steward of our natural resources,” said Simcox. "The Federation is honored to award the students of Dresden High School as the Hunger Challenge State Champions. Not only did they earn the most points out of any other team, they demonstrated determination, commitment, and a heart for philanthropy."
Dresden’s effort netted $1,100 and 22 deer donations.
Tennessee Wildlife Federation announced this month that the Hunters for the Hungry program ended this season providing more than 569,000 servings of lean protein to Tennesseans in need. The program furnishes hunger relief organizations—such as local food banks and soup kitchens—with venison donated by deer hunters.
This season, a total of 142,450 pounds of venison was donated, providing more than 569,000 servings of healthy protein. These numbers represent a near-record year. The program also delivered 11,500 snack sticks—a ready-to-eat protein snack—to the Room In The Inn and Bridge Ministries in Middle Tennessee where they were distributed to school backpack programs.
“It is a great day to be an advisor for the awesome members of Dresden FFA. I am extremely proud of all the hard work and dedication of all the students,” said Jonathan Holden who oversaw the project.
Learn more about Hunters for the Hungry at tnwf.org/HuntersForTheHungry.
Dresden FFA’s Hunger Challenge response this year netted $1,100 dollars and 22 deer donations which earned them the state trophy for highest numbers posted. Receiving the trophy from Matt Simcox, the manager for Tennessee Wildlife Federation’s Hunters for the Hungry program which promotes the Hunger Challenge, and Bobby Goode, a member of the Tennessee Wildlife Federation board of directors, were: (front row, left to right) Clay Higgs, Taylor Oliver, Autumn Frazier, Adrianne Todd, Cora Ogg, Erin Mallory; (middle row, left to right) Matt Simcox, Daniel Dean, Austin Peevyhouse, Annika Jolley, Spencer Davis, Jesse Randolph, Bobby Goode; (back row, left to right) Jonathan Holden, Tanner Scronce, Trey Adams, Logan Taylor, Brody Kemp, Sam Laws.